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IBike Edinburgh Specific Information


Group leader training:

  • All members of the team (including volunteers) who are planning on leading activities in schools must go on 'Group Leader' training organised by the Edinburgh Council Outdoor Learning team- this training allows you to take pupils out of the school grounds on excursions and informs you of the specific risk assessments, forms and other requirements required by CEC to take pupils learning outdoors. Please see uploads section for some materials given out during this training (From August 2022).

Training takes place online at various points throughout the year and takes 2-3 hours. Andrew Bradshaw is the best person to contact to reserve a place on this training.

Principal Officer for Outdoor Learning. Andrew Bradshaw.

0771 866 0549

In addition to group leader training there are a number of other courses which you need to go on in order to be qualified to take groups outdoors. These include:

  • ASL: Epilepsy - Epilepsy Management in Educational Establishments CF0253
  • ASL: Diabetes - Management in Educational Establishments CF0078
  • ASL: Asthma and Allergy Management CF0085

More will be explained during the group leader training/by contacting Andrew on email above OR by booking onto courses via (In the past we have also booked onto courses via Mark Symonds our local authority contact).


Framework Agreement: 

In March 2023 the IBike team supported by the business development team in Bristol applied to be put on CEC Flexible Framework Agreement for provision of Sports and Physical Activities for Children and Young People. We were successful and are now on this framework.

A framework agreement is a memorandum of understanding between the Council and providers. It establishes the terms of awarding contracts during a given period.

The framework sets out the fundamentals of any future contract including:

  • Terms and Conditions
  • Specification
  • Pricing

Being on the framework agreement does not guarantee any contracts.

A contract is created when a need is identified. A contract would be created from the framework agreement documents and includes further defined information e.g. no. of students, dates and location of delivery.

Final submission can be found here: \\bristol\shared\Funding\Bids library\Scotland\City of Edinburgh Council\S23-171 -City of Edinburgh Council - Sports and Physical Activities for Children and Young People\3. Our submission\Final application

Contact within Sustrans who helped with putting this together

The application to apply for this framework was managed through Public Contracts Scotland (


Helpful Links


Our Partners

Funded by Transport Scotland, and run in partnership with local authorities across Scotland, I Bike aims to create a culture of walking, cycling and scooting in your school, promoting a safer, happier and healthier school community.
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© 2025 - Sustrans | Sustrans is the charity making it easier for people to walk and cycle. Registered Office - Sustrans, 2 Cathedral Square, College Green, Bristol, BS1 5DD. Registered Charity SCO39263 (Scotland), 326550 (England & Wales). Company Limited by Guarantee No: 1797726 Company Registered in England.
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